Here’s What to Do With Long Pothos Vines
Last Updated on November 27, 2023
Pothos vines are a beautiful, easy-to-care-for houseplant. But what do you do when they start to get too long? Here are a few ideas about what you can do with long Pothos vines.
You simply let the vines trail off the edge of a shelf or table. This can create a beautiful, cascading effect. Just be sure to give them enough support so they don’t topple over. Another idea is to wrap the vines around a trellis or other support structure. This can help keep them under control and looking tidy. If you want to keep your pothos vine compact, you can pinch off the tips of the stems periodically.
Pothos plants are a classic choice for houseplants, and their long vines make them perfect for hanging baskets or trailing over shelves. But what do you do when your pothos plant gets too big and starts to take over your space?
What to Do With Long Pothos Vines?
Here are a few ideas for dealing with long pothos vines:
If you don’t want your pothos plant to get any bigger, you can simply trim back the longest vines. This will keep it under control without harming the plant.
New Home
If your pothos is starting to outgrow its pot, you can transplant it into a larger one or even put it in the ground outdoors (if you live in an appropriate climate). Just be sure to give it some extra support so the weight of the vines doesn’t topple it over.
Sharing is Caring
If you have more pothos than you know what to do with, why not give some away to friends or family? It’s easy to propagate pothos plants from cuttings, so they make great gifts that keep on giving.
How to Hang Pothos Vines on a Wall
Follow the steps below:
1. Choose the Location
Select a suitable location on the wall where you want to hang the pothos vine. Consider factors such as lighting conditions, accessibility for watering, and the overall aesthetic of the space.
2. Prepare the Wall
If necessary, clean the wall surface to remove any dust or dirt. This will ensure better adhesion for adhesive hooks or provide a clean surface for nails or screws.
3. Install Wall Hooks
If you are using adhesive hooks, follow the manufacturer’s instructions to install them on the wall. Make sure to choose hooks that are strong enough to support the weight of the pothos vine. If you are using nails or screws, use a level to ensure they are straight and secure.
4. Attach the Hooks
Once the hooks are installed, attach the pothos vine to them. Gently drape the vines over the hooks, allowing them to hang naturally. You can adjust the placement of the vines to create an aesthetically pleasing arrangement.
5. Secure the Vines
To prevent the vines from slipping off the hooks, you can use small clips or twist ties to secure them in place. Be careful not to damage the plant while securing the vines.
6. Water the Plant
After hanging the pothos vine, water the plant thoroughly. You can use a watering can or a spray bottle to moisten the soil. Ensure that the excess water drains properly to avoid water damage to the wall.
7. Maintain and Care for the Plant
Regularly check the moisture level of the soil and water the pothos vine as needed. Avoid overwatering, as it can lead to root rot. Additionally, provide adequate light and ensure proper air circulation to keep the plant healthy.
Can You Propagate a Long Pothos Vine
One of the most popular houseplants is the pothos plant, and for good reason! They are easy to care for, beautiful, and can tolerate a wide range of growing conditions. Pothos plants are also very easy to propagate, which means they can quickly fill up any empty space in your home.
If you have a long pothos vine that you would like to propagate, there are a few things you need to do in order to ensure success.
First, choose a healthy section of vine that has at least 2-3 leaves. Cut the vine just below a leaf node (the point where a leaf meets the stem) using a sharp knife or pair of scissors.
Next, place the cutting in a glass of water and make sure that at least one leaf node is submerged beneath the surface. Place the glass in a bright spot out of direct sunlight and wait for roots to form. This can take anywhere from 1-2 weeks.
Once roots have formed, you can then pot up your cutting in moist potting soil. Be sure to give it plenty of room to grow as pothos vines can get quite large! Water regularly and fertilize monthly during the growing season.
With just a little bit of care, your new pothos plant will thrive!
Why Do My Pothos Have Long Vines With No Leaves?
While it may seem like a mystery, there are actually a few reasons this can happen. Here’s a look at some of the most likely causes:
1. Your plant is too young
If your pothos is still a juvenile, it’s not uncommon for it to produce long vines without any leaves. As the plant matures, it should start producing foliage along the length of the stems.
2. The temperature is too cold
Pothos are tropical plants that prefer warm temperatures (between 60-85 degrees Fahrenheit). If the temperature drops below 60 degrees, the plant will go into dormancy and stop growing altogether.
So, if your pothos has been exposed to chilly weather recently, that could be why its vines are bare.
3. The light levels are too low
Pothos need bright, indirect sunlight in order to thrive. If they don’t get enough light, they will stretch out towards any available source in an attempt to find it. This results in leggy growth and sparse foliage.
If you suspect that one of these factors might be behind your pothos’s condition, there are a few things you can do to help it recover.
If you have a pothos plant with long vines, you may be wondering what to do with them. There are several options for trimming and caring for your pothos plants so that they remain healthy and continue to produce new growth. You can either trim the vines back to a manageable length or let them grow unchecked.
If you choose to trim the vines, be sure to use sharp pruning shears and make clean cuts at the desired length. Pothos plants are very tough and can withstand heavy pruning, so don’t be afraid to cut back the vines as much as you need to. After trimming the vines, water the plant well and fertilize it monthly.